My Favourite Posts..

Thought I’ll just share a few of my favourite posts here for all of you to read. hehe. 🙂

This post was actually meant to cover the question I posted during March but I’ve decided to change the way and here goes.

These following below are my favourite or the most meaningful posts to my heart and soul, so if it is possible, please take some time to read it.

I’ll be really grateful 😉

The top 10 posts: (not ranked accordingly)

My 100th Post and life story

Letters to Heaven

Letters to Heaven #2

Thank you, grandma


Precious Memory

Life #9

Smile all problems away (Poem)


Family love (Poem)

Hope everyone like these! 🙂

Leave some comments too!!  Have a good weekend everyone~

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” 
― Oscar Wilde 

With loves,



Been reading some sad stuff on people’s blog today and it really gets to me.

Also, it is always heartbreaking to see how broken a person can get in their life, to see them lose hope in the society.

But people, don’t be unhappy. Stay strong okay ❤

Always remember things will get better tomorrow.

Treat it this way whereby experiences you have in your lives are lessons for you to learnt from it.

Stay happy and take care everyone!

“There’s no point to living life unless you make history and the best way to make history is to help others.” 
― Demi Lovato 

Even when you already experienced it, if ever other people do require that type of advice or listening ear, Offer them.

It will be a wonderful and meaningful help to them. :’)

And yes, never forget how beautiful the society is and will always be. There might be things that have happened, making you unhappy but that’s not the majority..

And I was so happy to see good deeds on the road today. ;))

So what happened was that apparently there was this motorcyclist whose motor broke down in the middle of the road and a car stopped behind him to help him have a lookout to let people make sure that people will not hit him!

That was so sweet, yes it might be a small act but yes, it’s so meaningful!

After that, another motorcyclist stopped and went over to help him! :’))

Kind acts on the roads..:D

Keep sharing love and kindness in this world to make it a better place!

With loves,




This issue never failed to amaze me everytime I think it about it.

Have you wondered how cool it was to have people that comes across your life?

There are people who walked into your lives,

people that you came across,

and the people you haven’t met.

It is just like this photo.

Even strangers on the street that you might have walked past,

it takes a little fate to meet them in this big world.

And I always believe that things are fated.

Do you feel this way too? 🙂

“What’s meant to be will always find a way”
― Trisha Yearwood

Cya soon!

A trip to Taiwan,

Hi I’m back everyone! This holiday was a great one, went to Taiwan for 9 days and had the most amazing time over there!

Here’s some photos to share with you, all of you! 😀


Beautiful sight isn’t it. hehe. It was the time when I left Singapore. :))


Amazing sight isn’t it? I saw alot of people fishing and saw small little crabs. THEY WERE SO CUTE!!!


Went to the lavender cottage, I made my own DIY bag. Apparently it smell so gooodd. :))


I also visited the cardboard place whereby everything was made of cardboard!!

There were animals made out of cardboards, amazing isnt it?

Saw bags, hats made out of cardboards as well. I was pretty surprised by the sight over there. It was really cool!


Now this is really cool, the Cinjing farm, whereby there were sheeps running all around.

I was pretty freaked out, because I’m not really a fan of animals. Rather I’m scared of them. >.< HAHA. Pretty ran around in the farm, having sheeps chasing around.

But yet, I challenged myself to do something that I was surprised even by myself.

So here goes..

I chose a white one. :p



But really, it was a great experience, and I really like it alot.

And when I look into the eyes of the horses, I felt they could look so deep into one’s heart. I was pretty amazed with what I felt. And yeah, It was really fantastic.


Then we went to feed ducks and swans! Look how beautiful the swans are .. ❤


Had starbucks in the high speed train ❤


These drawings here were drawn by students.




And had an experience watching movie at taiwan 😀

HAHA. It was really cool. (Man of Steel)


Had Baskin Robbin at taiwan too. awesome ttm under the hot weather. hehe


The very next day, we visited yinyang sea. One of my favourite picture of all.

Do you spot 2 colours in the sea? Yeap, its 2 colours. Amazing and I wanted to just dive in and swim. HAHA.


One of our freshly cooked seafood meal.
Taste delicious and it’s cheap.


Went to watch sunset too! Isn’t it amazing? 😀

So many people were there to watch it too. A pretty cool sight.


Second sunset during the trip.

Really felt good and warm watching the sun set. :’)


My trace of footsteps on the sand. hehe.

Square shaped because there’s the shape of the slippers the hotel provided. ;d


Ate TAIWAN macs too. hehe.

And then as time flies,

it was time to go home..


There are actually many more photos but I guess I just share with all of you a summary of my experience in Taiwan.
I really like it alot and yes, polite people.

Politeness was in the air 🙂 and it really gave people a good feeling.

“Travel brings power and love back into your life.” 
― Rumi

Signing off now,

Hope you have a good holiday and week too!

Cya! 😀

Inner Peace Award,

Was pretty busy these days, and when I came back to wordpress,

Thank you Summer so much for the award,

thanks for your kind words :))


This award nomination will be for all of you who read it.

Thank you so much for coming to my blog and leaving comments or so.

It was all of your support that have made me work even harder and write even more better posts in the future.

Thank you so much for everything 🙂

Have a good day everyone ~ 🙂

Remember to subscribe if you havent !

Oh yes, the only rule for the award is to share some kind words with those people. 🙂

“Leave the worries of last night to darkness and let the light of motivation and inspiring things take control of your mind and actions. Start a beautiful morning and end up with a successful and blessed day.”

-Justin Mayer

With loves,




Some things are like a one way street.

You can never get back to the same place where you came from.

So never do things that you will regret

and make every minute count!

With loves,



Ding Dong! 

Remember to subscribe people :))


Okay, been away for a LONG time. Was pretty busy recently :((

But I’m back! 😀

Okay, been inspired by a friend to write this post.

Everytime we take photographs together. Be it group photo or individual photo, he doesn’t like to take them. So that day I asked him about it.

And he mentioned, “I don’t know how to smile”

I said something to him, and will like to share with you all of you this nice quote of mine. teehee


What I feel is that everyone have their own unique type of smile.

You don’t have to follow what the others do,

because you are special in your own way.

And no one can take that away from you.

In the past, I do not like to take photographs as well because I thought I looked ugly compared to the rest.

During those things that happened in life, including my surgery, I realised there are still so many things I have yet to do and that

includes simple things like a beautiful smile.

From that day onwards, my smile came from within my heart.

I do not really care how ugly I look in the photo physically any more because I know that deep in my heart lies a sincere smile.

True happiness comes from the heart.

So people, don’t worry so much about how you look in the photographs anymore because you are beautiful in your own way. And

that’s something no one can judge about you.

Remember to smile when you can, Life’s too short to be unhappy.

You only live once, don’t do things that you will regret.

And I heard something that I was really thankful about.

People have said that my laugh was contagious 😉

My greatest wish is that everyone around me to be happy forever and ever. ( I think that will never ever change 😉 )

With lots of love,
