Merry Christmas,

The time of the year has come again!


Hereby wishing all of you a merry christmas!

And may all your wishes come true. ๐Ÿ˜€

Perhaps if you are a good girl or boy, santa might pop by ๐Ÿ˜›

Chanced by this pretty xmas tree in a restaurant. ๐Ÿ™‚

Pretty, isn’t it?

My only wish this year for you out there, who is reading this,

to be happy forever and ever. :’)


With loves,


#22 The Dream Chaser,

Look up to the sky of love,

where we soar high up above.

Take me to the stars of dreams.

where all of our hopes gleam.

In our whole life we keep searching,

for that dream that was chirping.

This unique journey everyone takes,

what type of dream would we make?

That trip could be long or short,

but it never ever to be abort.

Those dreams that we chase,

what future will we face?