#50 Little Cheer,

Hello dear,
here is a little cheer.
As you are walking down this lonely road,
know that it is time to unload.
Remember that you are never alone,
it is not necessary to walk it on your own.
Things might be bad,
but do not be sad.
No one has it fair,
all of us have our own share.
So be glad,
and count the blessings you had.
Someday you will make it through,
just like how others did it too.
Now look around you,
you will find something you never knew.


#48 Fantasy,

In the end what we thought,
was not the thing we sought.
As much as the memories brought,
followed behind by the lessons taught.
There will always be a knot,
as if everything was a plot.
Forget how hard we fought,
and when the problems clot.
Thought we just let things rot,
but maybe not.
Now we shall find for a spot,
where happiness is caught.

What are words,

Listened to this and got reminded of some memories.
Back to sharing my #16 poem.

Words are so beautiful,
and yet can be so sinful.
It depends on how the people use them,
and the purposes what they meant.
Is either they bring rainbow,
or there they bring sorrow.
Words that are once spoken,
would those become motion?
Words might be forgotten,
which led to promises being broken.
Yet, saying words are like singing a song,
where you hum along.
But once it is sung,
or even if it is a slip of the tongue,
there is no turning back,
where time cannot backtrack.
Words, how powerful it is,
there an impact leaves.


Depth of life,


Today, I was randomly flipping this book that I have gotten from my friends this year birthday and I ended at a page that got me like “OMG, is this quote!”
I remembered how I used to like this quote.
“It is not length of life, but depth of life.”

And there you can see, at the background of the picture, there is a similar quote.
These quotes are those I actually picked out probably 1 to 2 years back and pasted on my board to act as a reminder to me.
We often forget how to lead our life more simple. It can be really simple or complicated and up even till today, I still sincerely believed that the way we choose to live, will affect how we live. If we choose to live it happily, we can.
Now, I’m doing my best to live my life with life everyday, doing something we love and finding happiness in whatever we are doing.

Probably few months back, I unintentionally overlapped these quotes with some other papers that the quotes actually got covered up.
And as days goes by, I eventually forgot about it.

Today when I saw it, realisation kind of hit upon me and I felt really thankful that I actually saw these quotes once again.
Sometimes when our life gets too stressful with things we have to worry about or even get upset about,
We tend to forget these small little reminders are actually crucial keys in our lives.
I’m a person who actually dwell on little things and sometimes, I take a pretty long time to get over things.
I’m aware and I know I needed reminders time to time.
It is pretty much of a bad habit but I’ve been trying hard to change myself throughout all these years.
Well, reflections eventually do make a person an even better person right?

I saw this quote while reading the quotes today by Denis Waitley ,”I had the blues because I had no shoes until upon the street, I met a man who had no feet.”
It hit upon me that we should not keep on thinking that our life isn’t perfect.
We have many things that many other people don’t.
And because we are human, we are never satisfied and we kept wanting for more.
But to think about it, how many things in life, have we took for granted?

This is worth a thought for you and me, isn’t it?

Many people know that I love to write and in their cards or messages for me, they wrote a common message, “Continue writing and continue inspiring.”
I can’t be more thankful to receive these messages and know that I have made a difference in people’s lives.
At least a positive one.

I know sometimes when we speak, when we give advices, some people might think that everything is easy because we are not you.
You might even feel that talk is cheap and we can say as much as we want but we don’t feel how you feel.
Everyone is embarked on a different journey in life and thus, we will obtain different experiences so never judge a person.
You never knew what he or she is going through.
But I just wanted to say that, we can empathise but if you want a change in your life, the only person that holds the key is you.
We can write posts and share our experiences but we cannot change your life unless you do it your own.

So why wait?

Be the change for yourself today.


#46 Somewhat,

Maybe someday,
We find ourselves remembering familiar faces,
that we thought we have forgotten.
Maybe sometimes,
We catch ourselves reminiscing the memories,
that we have kept deep in our hearts.
Maybe somewhere,
We find memories at places we used to go,
and that we used to love.
Maybe somehow,
we are back to square one all over again,
and probably even a new beginning.
Just maybe somewhat,
all these will never come.

Birthday 2014,

This year birthday switch was a little different from the usual years.
From a ‘1’ Club, I have actually joined the ‘2’ club.
For some reason, I felt a little sentimental and nostalgia towards many of the memories.
I eventually wrote a letter to the 19th year old me.

“Dear 19th year old me, Is 2359! Happy advanced birthday to you, CW! In just one minute time, it would be your big day and you have reached the ‘2’ mark.. Hope that you will eventually become an even better person in life. Love the life you live and live the way you always want it to be. Always appreciate the small things and wonderful people around you because some people and things are just hard to come by.

As you grow older, you should know that the responsibilities in life will definitely be more compared to now. Always be prepared to face obstacles along the way. There are many times when you experienced things that might bring you down but that’s just part and parcel of life. So never ever lose your faith and don’t ever give up on the path you have chosen to take in life. I have watched you changed positively as you grew older and I’m really proud of that.. so I’m really glad and thankful that you existed.

So hello to the 20th me and goodbye 19th me.”

The realisation of many changes in life are actually unavoidable kind of hit me really hard. Some changes happened with a reason but some without.
And eventually when we lose it, we lost it. But when you think back to the past incidents that have happened, those are probably examples of what they meant when they said that some things or people are meant to be a blessing or a lesson.
We just have to learn how to grow with it.

To all the people I have known in my entire life,
either you are a blessing or a lesson,
Thank you for existing in my life before.
And sincere thank you for the changes you have made in my life.
Someone ever asked me before what is it that I wanted most from them or if I could get them to do something, what would it be?
I answered but the person didn’t believe me. The next few times when I was asked this question again, I said the same thing.
And when asked the last time, I did not reply. I’ll just like to take this chance to say that my answer is still the same.
I really wished that you can be happy and that’s it. Simple happiness is a bliss and definitely a crucial key to allow you to go on in life.

This thought applies to everyone around me.
If you ever ask me the same thing again,my answer will probably be the same for you all.
This was a really important lesson I have learnt in my life that you don’t need complicated things to make one happy. It’s no longer about the surface area of things but the in-depth. Simplicity is the key and simple happiness will give you more than you think and the thing is that it is priceless. Isn’t it more worth it?

Now back to this year birthday, it was pretty much a special one.
Received many surprises from the people around me.
I have to say I’m really thankful of everything that have happened.
And thank you to all the well wishes messages I have received especially this year, I actually received many individual texts on phone to wish me a blessed birthday.

I really can’t be more thankful than that.

And sometimes I wonder what I have done to be loved so much by all of you?

Thank you for loving the imperfect me. I really had a blessed one.



When we are young, we believed that we can do almost everything.
But when we grew older, I realised that there are a lot of things beyond our own means.
Yes, there are still many things out there we can do.
But some things are just not something we can control.
There are times when we cared too much and get hurt along the way.
I don’t see that it is a problem to close one eye and take it as it is.
Well, maybe sometimes if we care less, the happier one will be..
Because over thinking kills people’s happiness.