#195 My friend,

The wonders i had
where negativism knocks
its way into me.

All those times I prayed
to see you safe once again
were uncountable.

And one day, the sound
of your breath returned, taking
away the baggage.

Some things I kept close
to my heart brought joy which was
you, being alive.



PS: For you, D.

#45 Poem to Aunt,

Holding onto your skinny hand,
while letting our hopes stand.
We stayed by your side,
yet our words are tied.
Praying for you each day,
wishing you could stay.
As tears trickled down your cheek,
I wondered what was it you wanted to speak.
When we watched your breath slowed down,
we frowned as our hearts pound.
Waiting for the next breath that never comes,
our hopes shattered into crumbs.
We held on to the last tinge of hope,
to have it all gone down slope.
As we find for the last sign of heartbeat desperately,
only to realise we have lost totally.
To watch your leaving,
I had indescribable feeling.
Yet knowing that you no longer need to fight,
soothed our broken hearts tonight.
Having you in our lives was a gift,
and be sure you will be missed.

This poem above is dedicated to my aunt who had passed away on 30th August 2014.
She was a fighter for cancer and a really wonderful aunt. 
Respect to her for her optimistic attitude throughout her whole life.
Thank you for everything.

Rest In Peace, Aunt. 

Everything behind lies a reason.

“Everything happens for a reason.”

I always believed in this sentence, and then things that happened to me, really make it even more true.

When I lost a chance, I looked at a brighter way and moved on. Then I realised, actually there was a surprise in the future that was prepared for me.

When you feel low, remember there will be another road for you to walk and thus, never give up hope. That road could even be better.

Everything happens for a reason.


“No. Don’t give up hope just yet. It’s the last thing to go. When you have lost hope, you have lost everything. And when you think all is lost, when all is dire and bleak, there is always hope.”
―Pittacus Lore, I Am Number Four